Tuesday, 27 May 2008

I heart...

I've been collecting images relating to Milton Glaiser's 'I heart NY' logo. I was in the pub last week with friends and we were talking about collections of photographs which have consistent themes through out them (like Stephen Gill's Billboard project). I like the charm of recognising a recurring detail in each image. Anyway, we agreed to all go away and start collecting.
It's interesting to see how the heart logo has been appropriated in so many differrent ways. Most of the time you don't even need to see the whole thing to recognise it. It's fun having to approach strangers, making sure I always have a camera and keeping my eyes peeled for little red hearts.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

LGC Flyer

I just finished this flyer for London Graphic Centre. It was rainy and grey outside so I wanted to make something really colourful that you can look at for ages. I like the circles and the glue gun best. Order.

Thursday, 1 May 2008