Sunday, 31 August 2008

In Progress


I found this small triangle of paper in the pocket of my shirt this week. I turned it over and on the back I had written a wish. It was one that obviously didn't make it on to the Wish Tree (here) at Glastonbury this summer. I am now starting to record the surprises and stories relating to the things found in pockets. (Like when Bryn got kicked out of the Silent Disco for smoking a joint and when they searched him they found a handful of wooden knives and forks in his pocket. He'll have to explain that one). I like these little moments that make you smile. I'm gonna hang onto the wish until next year's festival.

I am currently taking photographs of reflections. My favourite results so far come when you shoot through glass. Images begin to look like multiple exposures, which is fun because you aren't actually doing anything difficult or technical and because you're often not quite sure what you're looking at. This one was taken at my favorite time of day, when the sun gets hazy before it goes down, out the window on a train. I like the movement of the trees and the lights in the carriage.

Image Dictionary
Last week Laura sent me this photograph. Apparently it comes up when you do an image search for the word 'Scowl'. I love it's ambiguity and it got me thinking about collecting the strange images you find when looking up different words. Like a visual dictionary of found images. If you find any good ones then please let me know.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

You Tube mix tape

How They Get There - Spike Jonze

Powers of Ten - Charles & Ray Eames

Three Valentines - Fraiser

Tea Leaf Dancers - Flying Lotus

The Knife - Grizzly Bear